Home » Best Headphone Brands in the World 2022

Best Headphone Brands in the World 2022


Best Headphone Brands in the World 2022

Sennheiser easily ranks among the most popular headphone brands. They are well-loved, have a long history, and have a large number of amazing products that have undergone years of research, trial and error, and listen to the needs of buyers.

The brand was founded by Dr. Fritz Sennheiser in 1945, and its leading breakthrough product is definitely an omnidirectional dynamic microphone. Since then, the brand has managed to expand and start creating other products, leading us into their amazing line of headphones. Sennheiser is popular for creating high-fidelity headphones while maintaining reasonable prices, so people on a smaller budget can still enjoy them.

Sennheiser has a large number of different headset models, most of which are open-ended headsets, but they also have many closed-end headsets as well as wireless and Bluetooth compatible models.​​​​ Sennheiser keeps up with the modern trends in the audio world, while at the same time integrating it into headphones as much as possible. For example, some newer Bluetooth headsets can use a separate EQ application for EQ processing.

Most (if not all) Sennheiser models have noise reduction technology, allowing you to listen to music in the studio, at home, or on the go. All earphones are durable and lightweight, even those with added technical features. The battery life of their battery-powered headphones is very long, and the Bluetooth connection will always be strong.


Best Headphone Brands in the World 2022

JBL is another company with a large number of high-end headphones and other equipment that can provide you with hours of enjoyable listening experience. JBL’s headphones are usually tailored for the mass market for entertainment purposes, but they also produce subwoofers and studio monitors for professional use.

JBL is a well-known brand with a history of more than 70 years in the market. They started with manufacturing PA systems and improving speaker design. JBL is one of the most innovative headphone companies, and their philosophy is perfectly summarized as “If they need a component that doesn’t exist, they will make it.” The concept of JBL has brought them some great inventions, such as the image control waveguide on the subwoofer and the Slipstream port.<

Going deep into the details, JBL’s products are more affordable than Sennheiser’s products, making them easier to use and more suitable for casual listening. JBL has a wide range of earphones, including wireless earphones and earplugs, over-ear, in-ear and on-ear earphones, and sports earphones. If you want to save money, you can even buy new models for some money.

If you want colorful and bright headphones, JBL is known as a great brand. In terms of advancement, JBL has managed to keep up with technical requirements, while also implementing multiple functions in its headsets and launching several Bluetooth headsets. Their earphones are very durable, and the company is popular for making portable speakers and earphones for sports and exercise, so they may be more able to withstand rough handling than other brands.

JBL is also the perfect choice for all-round top headphone brands. With its affordable, durable and comfortable products, JBL is perfect for those who are active and those who like to enhance bass. They even provide children’s series for younger generations who want to experience the quality of JBL headphones.


Best Headphone Brands in the World 2022

Bose is the top brand you must see on TV or the Internet. Bose focuses on small and large details that will leave you shocked by what initially seems hypothetical and inferior.

Bose was founded by Amar Bose in 1964, and they offer a wide range of headphones. The brand seems to be at the mid-to-high end of the highway company. Many of their products start to rise in price ranges from $300 to $400. That being said, given Bose’s popularity, it is not surprising that their products are more expensive in terms of affordability.

Although the price may be disappointing, the brand’s headset type will not. Since Bose has expanded from just manufacturing equipment for users of music studios and equipment for entertainment listening, they have begun to provide products such as aviation headsets and hearing aids.

As for advancement, Bose manages to keep up with the ever-changing technological world through a large number of wireless options, noise-canceling headphones, and sports headphones. Some Bose headsets provide assistive features for people with impaired vision or hearing.

In terms of durability, their headphones are very durable. It is not recommended to throw them away because they will break at some point, but dropping them multiple times will not destroy them. If Bose is the brand you are interested in, you will be satisfied. Although there are some better brands to choose from, Bose’s headphones are still very reliable and maintain excellent and impressive sound quality.


Best Headphone Brands in the World 2022

Audio-Technica is a well-known audio company established in Japan in 1962. They focus on high-end but affordable audio equipment. Their headsets are priced very broadly, and they provide gamers with cheap options, all the way to more expensive high-end headsets for audiophiles. Their prices range from US$150 to US$1,500. Therefore, they are another great all-around brand, but they shine in music studio equipment and headphones.

Audio-Technica is definitely an amazing brand, if you want a product that is perfect for making music or even performing on stage, you should check it out. Although they have amazing entertainment options, they are first of all an audio equipment company, and their high-quality headphones are professional series models.

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